Getting Started

After landing in Honolulu, we took a cab to the MINI dealer to pick up our new car. After years of talking about this big adventure, and months of planning and coordinating buying a car remotely from MINI of Hawaii, to see the car sitting in the lot with a ”Sold Daniels” tag on it was a bit surreal. But there it was, waiting for us, and it was perfect. Better yet, all our luggage fit!

For the next 3 1/2 weeks we will be in Hawaii. We have friends who have generously given us use of their condo. We will take this time to relax, do some exploring, get to know the car, and make any last-minute tweaks to our itinerary. It will also give us time to get the car on a ship headed to Long Beach, California where we will pick it up in early February to continue our journey to the other 49 states.