Hawaii – State #1

Our first state is America’s 50th state. We have been here on Oahu for almost a month, and it has been amazing. Lots of sun, relaxation, beautiful scenery, interesting trips to historical sights, gardens, beaches, and Larry even got a couple of hikes in. We had a few visits with friends and family that made our time here even more special. It will be a bit sad to leave this paradise, but we have many adventures ahead!

Tuesday we will be leaving here and flying to Los Angeles. We have received confirmation that the MINI is in Long Beach, California waiting for us, and we are feeling ready to be reunited!

Iolani Palace
Punchbowl Crater, above Honolulu
Diamond Head trail, with Diamond Head crater below
Makapu’u Lighthouse trail
Battleship Missouri and Arizona Memorial
Waipi’o Valley Lookout, Big Island of Hawaii daytrip
Paradise Cove Beach
Makaiwa Beach

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