Arizona – State #5

Our Arizona visit started Monday February 21 with a definite splurge – a stay on the rim of the Grand Canyon that Larry booked over a year ago. After we had spent a number of days sightseeing and driving, we spent the day Tuesday without using the car at all. We were able to walk from the lodge to various viewpoints, shops and hikes. It was very cold and windy when we arrived Monday, and continued into Tuesday, with the threat of snow as well. Wednesday morning we woke up to snow! What a beautiful sight!

Our next stop was Sedona. We started out through the snow, figuring the roads we were traveling on were used enough we would have no problems. This did not turn out to be true! Good thing we have all wheel drive on the MINI! Good thing also Larry drove and not me! We made it but had some whiteout conditions, and some white-knuckle conditions too … it was not an easy trip!

It was worth it once we got to Sedona! Such a cool place to explore for a couple of days. We met some friends for dinner. Catherine and Wayne gave us some great tips and suggestions on places to visit. We went to the historic town of Jerome, and through a ghost town.

Arriving at the Grand Canyon. Wow!
Windy Grand Canyon
Grand Canyon to Flagstaff
Whew! Made it to Flagstaff
Catherine and I after a great Mexican dinner
Sedona Vortex
Above Sedona
Downtown Sedona


Had to do a little shopping!
Ghost town chickens
I always love Snoopy rock!

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