California – Revisited

We had the opportunity to go back to California from Arizona to spend a fun and special weekend with family in San Diego. We walked along the beach in La Jolla and cheered on UW Husky baseball. Go Dawgs!

We then traveled to Joshua Tree National Park. I have been there one other time and was unimpressed with the scrawny trees. Probably because I am used to the lush green trees and landscapes at Mt. Rainier and Olympic National Parks, but I appreciated it more this time. Besides the small trees, it’s got cool rocks and mountains. And maybe those trees aren’t so bad. They definitely have character and are quite interesting. 🙂

Walking along La Jolla beach with Paul and Deb
Nephew Ben! Go Dawgs! Woof!
Joshua Tree National Park
We still have this guy
Sunset at Joshua Tree NP
Overlooking the Coachella Valley from Joshua Tree National Park

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