Arizona – Part 2

I’m guessing by now you’re thinking, what is going on?! Are they really going to go to all 50 states or just go in circles around California and Arizona? We are feeling a bit like that too! From now on though, it gets real! We’ll be visiting states at a much faster pace.

We purposely wanted to stay around the west coast so we could attend the pac-12 tournament in Las Vegas and our nephew’s baseball games in San Diego.

After being able to attend these events, we were able to spend 3 nights at my brother and sister in law’s house in Sun City West where we were treated to a beautiful place to stay, great company, laundry facilities and a home cooked dinner! Very fun couple of days riding ebikes, checking out the Mariner’s spring training facility, and visiting. Unfortunately, with the baseball lockout going on, we couldn’t go to a spring training game as we had planned. But we were able to go in and check out the minor leaguers who were participating in drills and workouts.

We were also able to visit with our former next-door neighbors who had moved from Bainbridge to Arizona over 10 years ago. We had such a great time catching up with them! It was almost like no time had passed and we picked up where we left off.

Our last night in Arizona was in Bisbee. On the way we took some side trips to the Titan Missile Museum and to Tombstone. While in Bisbee we went on the Queen Mine Tour.

City of Kingman and lots of Route 66 memorabilia
Route 66 mileage sign
Woodrow the dog, me, Deb and Paul in their courtyard
Mariner’s spring training complex
Paul and I checking things out
Rest stop …
… with nachos
Tasty treats with Jim and Kim
1970s Titan II missile control room
Ready to launch the missile!
Titan II missile
Main street, Tombstone
Going into the Queen mineshaft
Old town Lowell, next to Bisbee

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