New Mexico – State #6

We stayed 3 nights in 3 different places in New Mexico. It’s been pretty cold, in the teens at night! I didn’t know it got that cold in southern New Mexico. We even had snow this morning, but nothing like the Grand Canyon snow!

The first town we stayed in was Deming. Prices are going down as we head east. We had a spaghetti dinner with salad and bread for $8! On our way to our next stop, we went to White Sands National Park. This is the world’s biggest gypsum dune field. It’s very nice soft sand, and truly amazing in its vastness.

Then we went onto Roswell, and the UFO Museum. Lots of information about the Roswell UFO incident. It was interesting and our alien friend felt at home. Ha ha

Lastly, we went to Carlsbad and Carlsbad Caverns National Park. It was great that they had an elevator option to get down into the cavern. Interestingly, outside it was a very cold and windy 18° with the wind chill, but the cavern was quite a bit warmer at a balmy 56°. With all the pathways and lights, it was nice to be able to walk around and explore.

According to our criteria I hadn’t been to New Mexico before. I had only been to 4 corners, putting an arm or leg in all 4 states at the same time. Fun trick, but it doesn’t count. I got a good first taste of the state. I’m looking forward to coming back through in May to Taos, which I’m sure will be quite a bit different from the towns we were in this time around.

New state for MINI and me!
Another National Park!
Vast White Sands National Park
Don’t go Alien friend!
Alien Invasion
National Park #8, but who’s counting. 🙂
Carlsbad Cavern
I walked the 1.5 mile paved trail with the railing … but rode an elevator up and down 750 feet.

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