Maine – State #28

When we did our long day of driving through multiple states, we were very grateful that it was a beautiful sunny day. According to our weather app rain was coming. Lots of rain. Wind, too. That was OK though because we knew we had a nice hotel room in Camden, Maine waiting for us, and we were wanting a day that we were able to just relax and not feel like we had to do anything. Sure enough we heard the wind start Monday night and Tuesday morning woke up to heavy rain. The wind and rain lasted into the early afternoon, but by the time we were walking to dinner, the clouds were clearing and there were small sun breaks. We spent Tuesday morning hanging out in our room and reading. By lunchtime we decided to venture out and drive to Belfast, about a 30 minute drive north of Camden. We had been told about a restaurant there that had very good lobster. We thought why not take a drive? We did, and it was a funky place … but we did get lobster and it was very good.

Wednesday morning we woke up to a bright sunny day. Since we wanted to do some sightseeing and shopping, that worked out well for us. Camden is such a picturesque little town, and the coast of Maine is so rugged! We spent part of the morning reworking some of the spreadsheet. Spoiler alert — we are not going back to Louisville. We felt like we did everything there in one day with Carly and Sam, and that we’d seen the city. We still need to get the car to Kentucky — you’ll have to see how that all works out. 🙂

We then went out for a walk – and I was able to get in to get my hair cut. OK, and colored too. Who am I kidding? But after that, we finally got to do some shopping at the cute shops. Many of them are still closed for the season, but there were enough open that it was a fun stroll.

Now that we’ve had some time here in Camden, we are ready for the next destination, which is Mt. Washington in New Hampshire.

Before we reached Camden, we stopped at a very windy Portland Head Lighthouse.
Rainy day lobster lunch
Camden, Maine
Main Street, Camden
Camden Harbor
Above Camden from Camden Hills State Park
Rockport Harbor, just south of Camden

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