Vermont – State #29

After leaving Polly’s Pancake Parlor stuffed with pancakes, we started making our way towards Vermont. A new state for me! We crossed into Vermont and headed north. We were fairly close to the Canadian border, and Larry had read about the town of Derby Line, and that their library is on the international border. Half of the library is in Derby Line, VT, US, and the other half is in Stanstead, Quebec, Cananda. We also read that tours of the building were on hold due to COVID and in fact it was closed to anyone who was not a member of the library. But as you may have noticed, we are drawn to borders and state lines, and having a building that straddles one?! Exciting! We had to go check it out!

We then headed back south to Burlington, where we were going to spend two nights. But first we wanted to make a few stops. We were going through the town of Stowe, Vermont where the von Trapp family settled after escaping the Nazi’s in 1938. They toured the world singing, but eventually came back to Stowe to run a lodge. The lodge is still there and is run by the von Trapp family, so we wanted to at least drive by it.

Who goes to Vermont without a Ben & Jerry’s stop? Not us! Unfortunately, they don’t have the factory tour up and running again yet, but the scoop shop was open for business!

The next morning, we decided to go see Middlebury College, which is about 45 minutes from Burlington. Our nephew graduated from there 5 years ago, so we were way too late to have Andrew give us a tour – but we had heard him speak highly of it and wanted to take a look. But first… well, we needed to do laundry. No friends or family visits for a few weeks, and no facilities in our recent or near future hotels. The town of Middlebury treated us well to a nice big laundromat where we spent the morning doing laundry. Then we went to Middlebury College, which was impressive, even on the cold gray day we were there.

While in Burlington we enjoyed having dinner and doing some shopping on Church Street, the nice shopping and entertainment district downtown.

A new state for me!
Haskell Free Library and Opera House, straddling the Canadian/ U.S. border. Such a cool looking building with amazing history — it’s on our list to come back to someday when we can take the tour!
Interesting graveyard with cleverly worded tombstones.
Milk & Cookies is the flavor I chose, after much deliberation!
Had to stop and check out this huge maple syrup bottle! No Larry, it won’t fit in the MINI.
Our trip has been amazing — even if real life creeps in now and then.
Scenes from the Middlebury campus
Church Street, Burlington

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