Michigan – State #31

When we talked about a Michigan stop, Larry and I had decided to go to Ann Arbor. We had driven through once before but hadn’t stopped there. It looked like a neat town, and of course University of Michigan and Michigan Stadium are there, too! It was fun to see the students getting ready for graduation, taking pictures and walking around in caps and gowns. Since the graduation was going to be held in the stadium, tours were not being given. But we still got a few pictures.

We spent the night in a little suburb of Ann Arbor, called Dundee. It turned out to be a nice place with a pretty park and a waterfall where Larry took a nice walk and I read my book. You all know I don’t love walking … and I did work out on the elliptical earlier, so I was able to excuse myself without feeling guilty about it. 🙂

Spike and I got out of the car at the Welcome Center in Michigan
Fun to see students getting their pictures taken in front of Michigan Stadium
MINI felt right at home with all the blue around!
“Behind the Walls” sculpture outside the University of Michigan Museum of Art.
Dundee, Michigan
Dundee, Michigan

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