Alaska – State #49

As I mentioned in my previous post, while we were in Whitehorse, Yukon, we went on a day trip to Skagway, Alaska! Larry has talked about going to Skagway on the train forever. And after showing me pictures of what he was talking about, I was all in too!

Before Covid, there was a train route to take from Carcross, Yukon to Skagway and back. But with the international border and Covid restrictions they have changed it to a round trip from Skagway, staying in the US and not crossing the border. So we needed to drive to Skagway to go on our scenic train ride, the White Pass and Yukon railway.

Skagway is about a 2 hour drive from our place near Whitehorse. Bonni and Irv wanted to join us as well, so we all met in our car and got moving on a road trip! We arrived in Skagway around 11:00, plenty of time to grab some lunch before our train was scheduled to leave at 1:00.

As we boarded the train Larry and Irv were able to secure front row seats in the first car! Leg room was great, and that’s where the complementary water was located as well. 🙂

We had amazing views the whole way up to the top of White Pass and back down. The highway we took driving to Skagway is on a similar route, but the views were different on the train. Both were amazing!

After returning to Skagway on the train we did a little shopping and found a restaurant for dinner. We did need to make sure we were back up to the Canadian border by 8:00 pm since they close at that time.

We had a fun ride back to Whitehorse looking for wildlife, visiting and reliving our day on the train and in town.

We aren’t done with Alaska or the Alaska Highway though! So watch for more content!

Number 49!!
Boarding the train
Looking back down on Skagway
Another train coming down, we’ll be up there soon!
Glad we aren’t trying to use that trestle!
Snowy summit of White Pass
Downtown Skagway
I had never seen a porcupine! So cool!
This guy just lumbering along the highway

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