Alaska – Denali and Fairbanks

Before COVID, the ferry from Alaska back to Bellingham was running every week. But now it has been cut back significantly. We either had to go straight to Alaska and get right on the ferry to come home, or wait around in Alaska for 2 weeks, and then take the ferry home. It was a pretty easy decision that we did not want to rush the end of our trip. So we have been spending more time in Alaska than anywhere else (except Hawaii) and it’s been fun having time to explore different areas.

We left Seward and drove to Denali National Park and Preserve. We stayed in a cute creekside cabin about 10 miles south of the park. What a beautiful location! We felt like we were camping, except we had a real bed. And indoor plumbing. Oh, and a restaurant to eat in. OK, not camping, but definitely some fresh air! Unfortunately, we never did see the summit of Denali. The top was always shrouded in clouds. We read that the top can only be seen about 30% of the time. That made us feel slightly better, that most people had the same experience. We did a little hiking, and a lot of viewing!

Next was Fairbanks! Back when we talked about spending two weeks in Alaska, Larry said it would be fun to spend the solstice in Fairbanks, and then we both thought – and the Midnight Sun baseball game! This game is something Larry has wanted to do since he was a kid, and when he told me about it years ago, I thought it sounded fun too! It would be interesting to have daylight for 24 hours, and we were able to secure tickets for the game. The game started at 10:00 pm and ended about 1:40 am, all played without lights. We also went to a dog mushing kennel and learned about the Huskies that are bred to race, and to a few more museums. We even drove a bit farther north just because we could. πŸ™‚

Here’s a sign we never see at home! πŸ™‚
Beautiful scenery and the creek that ran right in front of our cabin.
Milepost 1523! We did the whole thing! With a few side trips along the way.
Yukon Quest is another big dog race in Alaska and Canada. It is longer than the Iditarod and goes between Fairbanks and Whitehorse, Yukon.
We told Spike he is a bit too small to be a race dog.
After being introduced to the dogs, I got to help put on their harnesses
No snow, so the dogs get their exercise by pulling a tractor, with a little help from the motor and Chase, the dog musher. They were so excited to get going!
New family members? Just kidding. But it sure was fun to get a good puppy fix!
This little one just snuggled right into me. I thought maybe I could fit her in my suitcase.
Not quite the MINI
Start of the game – 10:00 pm
Midnight – and yes it was a little breezy and chilly
End of the game – a walk off win for the Fairbanks Goldpanners in the 10th inning – 1:38 am

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