Alaska – scenes from our drive down to Haines, Alaska and onboard the Alaska State Ferry Matanuska

We have been excited to do this second to last leg of our journey. But it’s a bag of mixed emotions. This ferry ride has been absolutely beautiful! We have a nice stateroom, and it’s been a chance to just relax and enjoy the scenery. But it also means our trip is almost over. It’s not like we are sorry to come home – we are excited to see all of our friends and family again! But this trip has been in the planning and talking stages for so long – years – that it feels a little sad to see it come to an end. But more on that later!

For now here are some scenes from our drive from Fairbanks to Haines where our ferry was waiting for us!

As I write this we are still on the ferry. We disembark Wednesday morning the 29th in Bellingham. Like I said, this was our second to last leg … we still need to reach Washington, state 50, with the MINI and to drive home! Stay tuned for a couple of final posts.

Side trip to North Pole, Alaska to check in on Santa!
All is well at the North Pole
It was very exciting to see a grizzly bear, especially since he wasn’t excited to see us!
Lake Kathleen, on the road to Haines
Beautiful scenery on the way to Haines
Couldn’t take enough pictures of the spectacular scenery! Larry took this from his drone. Can you find the MINI?
Backseat buddies this whole trip!
In Haines, the largest collection of hammers in the world! 20,000 in the collection. We saw about 8,000 of them!
In Haines, about 2:00 am, we are getting ready to board the ferry Matanuska
MINI is on board with us heading to Bellingham
Going through the inside passage at sunset
We docked in Ketchikan long enough to get off the ferry and see the town a bit.
Beautiful weather on the ferry!

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