Washington – State #50

We offloaded from the Alaska Ferry Matanuska in Bellingham and started towards Seattle, and eventually another ferry. We are feeling good. We did it! We went to all 50 states in our MINI. So many memories, so many stories to retell to each other. So many times we were asked about our Hawaii license plates, so many people we met and told our story to, and so many stories we heard from them.

This trip has been amazing and was all that we could have hoped for. What a great way to celebrate Larry’s retirement!

I am grateful for so many things. First of all, Larry’s planning and booking. Every place we went to, even small towns in the middle of nowhere, were expecting us. For our trip to go as smoothly as it did, I give him full credit. From ordering the car in time for us to pick up in Hawaii, to booking our stateroom and ferry passage back to Bellingham. I am grateful that Cameron and Maddie were able to meet us in Hawaii, and Carly and Sam were able to meet us in Louisville. We were able to meet Melanie and Donna while in Hawaii, and Bill and Jean joined us on the Lake Louise and Banff portion of the trip. Dave, Jeff and Bev were able to hang out in Southern California with us, and Matt and Dylan joined us for a Rockies game in Denver. Catherine and Wayne joined us for dinner in Sedona, Tom, Helen and Laura showed us around Trenton and we had a great visit with Kim and Jim in Arizona. We were able to spend a few days with John, Jeanene and family while in Kansas, and meet up with Bonni and Irv while in Alaska! A big thank you to Paul, Deb, Mike, Denise, Bill, Jean, Kirk, and Jamie, for letting us stay with you, cooking meals for us, and letting us do laundry!! Another big thank you to Carly and Sam for housesitting for us, it was so nice to not worry about the house! Meeting up with family and friends along the way made our trip that much more special.

We have kept track of many things while on the trip. If you’re into stats at all, or at least want to know how many miles we went in each state, make sure you come back for my final post, because this isn’t it! 😊

Sneaking in a picture from Tuesday, cloudy but still beautiful!
Orca sighting on board
Docking at the Bellingham Ferry Terminal
We are off the ferry! State 50! We did it!
Fun to drive around Bellingham a bit and check on my alma mater.
On the Washington State Ferry Spokane from Edmonds to Kingston
After visiting 50 states, nothing was more beautiful than our own little patch of paradise. ❤️

3 thoughts on “Washington – State #50

  1. Welcome Home!
    I’m grateful for your blog!!! Amazing, amazing job!!! I love that you had the HI plates the entire trip !! 🌴
    I can’t wait to see you 😘💕


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