It’s a wrap! Final post

I have to start out by saying I never thought I would write so much for each post! I originally thought I would pretty much copy what Larry was posting on Facebook and leave it at that. But I realized right away that that wasn’t my voice. And I had things to say! And if people were looking at both, that would be boring. Also once I started writing it wasn’t too hard and I found it kind of fun. :). Now I am looking into printing it, what a nice book to keep!

As I mentioned we kept track of a lot of things on the trip, here are some of the results!

Number of days: 170
Number of different overnight locations: 88
Total miles driven: 23,049
Average miles per driving day: 181
Most miles, one day: 494 (Montgomery to Tampa)
Average MPG: 33.1
Most expensive gas: $6.92US per gallon in Canada
Budgeted gas: $3.50 per gallon 🤣
Westernmost point: Ka’ena Point, Oahu
Southernmost point: Diamond Head Rd., Oahu
Easternmost point: Northport, Maine
Northernmost point: Livengood, Alaska
Time zones: 5
Saved photos: 7,879
Photos taken: approx. 30,000+ 😳

Mileage by state or province:

1 Alaska 2,426
2 California 1,765
3 Arizona 1,456
4 Florida 1,180
5 Yukon 1,076
6 British Columbia 1,038
7 Idaho 939
8 New Mexico 851
9 Texas 731
10 Wyoming 685
11 New York 655
12 Kansas 641
13 North Dakota 620
14 Ohio 619
15 Alberta 596
16 Alabama 481
17 Utah 447
18 Minnesota 413
19 Colorado 403
20 Montana 357
21 Nebraska 334
22 Maine 327
23 Hawaii 324
24 Arkansas 324
25 Virginia 318
26 South Dakota 303
27 Nevada 302
28 Vermont 292
29 South Carolina 284
30 Pennsylvania 284
31 Illinois 272
32 Iowa 255
33 North Carolina 212
34 Oregon 173
35 Indiana 171
36 Maryland 161
37 Tennessee 157
38 Mississippi 127
39 Connecticut 123
40 Washington 118
41 Georgia 112
42 New Hampshire 110
43 Michigan 109
44 Massachusetts 105
45 Oklahoma 73
46 Louisiana 64
47 New Jersey 59
48 Wisconsin 54
49 West Virginia 29
50 Delaware 25
51 Rhode Island 22
52 Kentucky 18
53 Missouri 13
54 District of Columbia 12
55 Ontario 4

Total 23,049
Average per state 419
Median 292

One last stat … Covid cases: 1, Me! After going to many hotels and restaurants and places people coughed and didn’t wear masks, and talked loudly on their cell phones about how they had just had Covid… we sailed through and all was good. Until the last day. I was the one who got it. I am recovering at home with a lingering cough, but all is well. Amazing we got all the way through the whole vacation with just 1 illness.

I can’t say enough how fun this trip was. To have the time to do it with Larry is a memory I will treasure. Also, thanks for reading my blog, and giving me encouragement along the way to continue it.

The pictures for this post were just random ones I picked out that I liked. Some I’ve posted before, but there also some new ones.

The first day!!
Just me and a Joshua tree
Social distancing Elvis style
Amelia Island sunset
Field of dreams house
Can’t forget the JELL-O museum
We wanted to stay in this beagle B&B in Idaho but it didn’t work out this time. We had to stop by and see it though!
The midnight sun baseball game was such a fun experience!
Our route! We had a spreadsheet too, but that’s too many pages to post. 😊

2 thoughts on “It’s a wrap! Final post

  1. What a great trip, Anna! I have enjoyed following it along the way. I’d like to also see a map of where you went when you went off this map into Canada and Alaska. So glad you had a memorable time. And sorry you got sick, but glad at least you are feeling OK and home to rest. The fact that you and Larry are still talking to each other after 6 months in a Mini is an accomplishment in itself!!
    I can’t believe how many pictures you took, close to 180 per day?? I think that’s even more than I do 🤣
    Can’t wait to see what you do for your next adventure!

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